It’s no secret that we love reading the Bible at The Art of Taleh, and there’s an exciting new women’s Bible that came out today that we want to share with you.

Some of you may know that Michelle serves as a regular contributor for the online Christian women’s community called (in)courage. If you don’t already follow (in)courage, we highly encourage you to subscribe to their mailing list and receive daily devotions right in your inbox. Today, we want to tell you about the new (in)courage women’s Bible that is now available for ya’ll!

find your story

This project has been over two years in the making. My friend, Denise Hughes, has severed tirelessly as the general editor of the Bible, faithfully stewarding the Word and over 100,000 additional words from the (in)courage community as part of the 312 devotions.

Don’t get us wrong. The Word of God is for all. But this Bible holds a special place for us in that it includes a wide variety of resources, devotions, verses and reading plans uniquely geared for women.

hope, grace, bravery

Here’s a little about what you can expect inside:

  • There are 312 devotions written by 122 writers with stories from women in all seasons of life.
  • The devotions are organized into 10 themes, and each theme has a distinct color and design in the Bible.
  • Each theme also has its own reading plan to guide you through a beautiful experience of Scripture.
  • There are 50 Women of Courage featured with biographical profiles throughout the biblical text.
  • Each of the 66 introductions (one for each book of the Bible) are original to draw you into the overarching biblical narrative.

devotion excerpt

One of my favorite parts of this Bible is their featured women’s stories. There is a story about how, after walking through the Red Sea on dry land, Miriam led all the women of Israel in dancing and rejoicing because of what God had done. There is story about how Deborah gives praise to God for victory, after leading an army into battle. You can read about Hannah singing words of thanksgiving after learning her prayer for a child had been answered. And, there is story of how, after hearing the angel’s words that she would give birth to the Savior who would sit on David’s throne, Mary responds with gratitude and praise.

This Bible helps us to follow in these women’s footsteps and to become women of courage like them.

Each devotion tells the stories of God is changing women’s lives and, with each devotion, women sing praise to the One who has authored her story for His glory. It really is quite amazing.

If that wasn’t enough, each page has specific, lined space at the bottom for journaling as well as highlighted verses throughout for women to memorize. It has a little bit of everything for every woman.

Want to read a free sample of this Bible? Click this link:

312 devotions

I was fortunate to get an earlier preview of this Bible and it looks wonderful. There’s no affiliate links here, no gimmicks; we don’t make a buck for sharing this news with you. But we wanted to let you know that it’s here, that it’s available, and we encourage you to check it out. Start here at the (in)courage Bible webpage.

Want more Bible reviews? Check out our review of The Whole Bible Story.